FIU Hosting Wall of Wind Workshop on November 3

Published on September 29, 2017



The NHERI Wall of Wind (WOW) Experimental Facility (EF) will be hosting a one day, onsite user workshop at Florida International University (FIU), Miami, FL. The focus of Nov. 3 the workshop is to:

  1. Provide researchers with information on the capabilities of the NHERI WOW EF for advanced natural hazard engineering research.
  2. Explore opportunities to use the NHERI WOW EF for unsolicited, CAREER, and other types of NSF proposals (one session will be dedicated to CAREER proposal writing).
  3. Detail the procedures to perform large- and full-scale experiments (including aerodynamic, aeroelastic, destructive and wind-driven rain tests).
  4. Discuss the NHERI Science Plan focusing on Key Research areas emerging in natural hazard engineering.
  5. Provide a platform for collaboration to facilitate multi-disciplinary, multi-hazards research.

This onsite workshop will provide faculty members with valuable information about the resources and services available at the NHERI WOW EF, and how to better engage the EF for obtaining NSF funding for natural hazards mitigation research. Also, the workshop will include a tour of the facility and a live test demonstration.

Participation and financial support for travel will be limited and priority will be given to faculty planning to submit NSF proposals that intend to use the NHERI WOW EF. Financial support will be awarded in order of registration. Please register for the workshop by filling out the required fields on the DesignSafe website.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Maryam Refan at