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Data Reuse Case Studies

Numerical and Experimental Validation

Development and validation of a field wind engineering instrument to understand thunderstorm wind loading on structures

Antonio Zaldivar de Alba has the habit of regularly browsing the DesignSafe Data Depot to see what new datasets are publicly available. Zaldivar de Alba, with his colleagues from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign reused data published on DesignSafe to validate wind load measurements from the newly developed mSWERF3 mobile bluff-body (Zaldivar et al., 2021). They were able to easily download the full-scale wind tests published by Smith et al. (2018) and compare them to those measured using the mSWERF3. With the validation provided by the published dataset, the authors have since been able to confidently deploy the mSWERF3 in a number of settings to make measurements of wind loads, including those from tornado-like “dust devils” in the Chihuahuan desert. The authors plan to publish their field-based measurements in DesignSafe with the hope that other researchers will be able to use them to validate numerical simulations of extreme wind loading.

Publication Reusing Data:

Antonio Zaldivar de Alba , Franklin T. Lombardo, Jason M. Lopez , Justin B. Nevill (2021) Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics 210, 104504

Dataset Reused:

Smith, Douglas, Mehta, Kishor, Morse, Stephen. (2018) "Wind Engineering Research Field Laboratory Selected Data Sets for Comparison to Model-Scale, Full-Scale and Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations", in Wind Engineering Research Field Laboratory Selected Data Sets for Comparison to Model-Scale, Full-Scale and Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations. DesignSafe-CI.